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Do you have a website for your home improvement business? If you don’t, you are at a competitive disadvantage. A good website is how your prospective clients can find you and allows you to make a positive first impression.  Some studies have indicated that a prospect’s decision-making process is 70% complete before they ever contact a company for their product or services. This is the importance of a good website for your business, but do you know why a responsive website is important?


What is responsive web design?

It is an approach to website design and development that creates dynamic changes to the appearance of a website, depending on the screen size and orientation of the device being used to view it.

In other words, it is a website that adjusts perfectly to the size of the device on which you are viewing it. Whether you are on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone, it can easily be viewed and all of the information presented clearly.  You don’t lose important information merely because you are on a smart phone or a tablet.

If your website looks exactly the same on a smart phone as it does on a desktop computer (but smaller), you do not have a responsive design.

Having a website, even a really great website, is no longer enough if it is not mobile-friendly. How can that be? And why is it no longer enough?

Simply speaking, Google is the reason. And your website can be penalized by Google, in the form of unfavorable search results, if you do not have a responsive or mobile-friendly website. Responsive web design makes the most sense these days because so many platforms, such as WordPress, include it in their templates.  And a custom designed website can easily build responsive design into the coding.

In summary, there are many good reasons why a responsive website is a “must” for your home improvement business:

  • Google – Google is ranking website search results now with a mobile-first perspective. If your site is not mobile-friendly, it will penalize your site in the search results.
  • Local Audience – It is well documented that searches on smart phones have reached 60% and have now surpassed desktop searches. Your home improvement business is a local business and this is how people are searching for your business.
  • The Future – Whether it is through phones, tablets or laptops, mobile search continues to grow as a percentage of total searches. With a responsive web design you are future-proofing your business.
  • A Better User Experience – Make it easy for your potential clients to find you and gather all of the information they need regardless of the device they are using to view your website.
  • If You Don’t, Your Competitors Will – Home improvement is a competitive business so be sure you stay ahead of your competition with a responsive website design. You don’t want to be playing catch-up.

For an example, check out the Pinnacle Finance website which has a responsive website design!

Here are additional articles related to responsive websites:

7 Reasons Why Your Website Should be Responsive

Local Marketing Requirement: A Responsive Website

Responsive Web Design: What It Is And Why You Need It